Monday, July 30, 2007

Fill in the blanks

Jennifer looked on anxiously as Tony _____ ______

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Fire, fire!!!

15 minute skive as the fire alarm goes off. Even though it was fair chilly standing about with no jacket, inwardly i was saluting the fire alarm gods.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Try as I might, it was becoming harder and harder to separate fantasy from reality.

Stats? What stats?

Changed my Blog template a few months ago and forgot to move my statcounter code over, boo hiss. However it is now back at the bottom of the page. You can click the view stats link to see all manner of tosh such as where visitors came from and the like. Such as our texan friend who dropped by on the 3rd of May. Or Jivetoaster, oh yes, I see you.

Lick it.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Hmm rubbish!

The table clearing service in Arta is pants!

Merchant Square

Cor, it aint half jazzy in Merchant Square these days. Shame its full of potato-heads in ben sherman and orange ladies!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Aaarrrrr me hearties!

Thar was rumblings of mutiny this very day. Aaarrrr. But they all fear this one eyed monster aaarrrr.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Horror Stricken Hell Bus

There I was sitting on the bus. Unwittingly aware of just how petrifyingthe journey was about to become. I noticed the girl in front of me flinch then lean heavily to the side away from the window. Whats this thought I, what could have repelled her so much, could she have caught a glimpse of my reflection in the window? Nay, nay and thrice nay! It was a tropical beast, marching along the pane. Its destination, one only, me. I sat transfixed with terror as it tootled up to my very sleeve then turned its gimlet eyes upon me. How long I sat transfixed by its stark gaze I will never know. My bowels had turned to water but I was frozen in place. Aghast at this monsters cruel visage. Then it turned and walked on. It had judged and found me wanting. Perhaps another day this fiends path and mine might cross. For now though, I am safe.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Jingle Bells

The Glasgow cuckoo! Caught on film for the first time. Like a shy woodland creature he ventures from his burrow sniffing the air for predators. I take the picture clandestinely, lest he turns and charges at me with his fearsome jingly bell hat.

Go on, LICK IT!!!

Its the mama and the papa disgracing themselves in front of their second born.

SNP Injection

Thats right Miss Sturgeon i am watching you. Like a bat in the night, my sonar is bouncing off your shiny suit.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


Whats this!! Just as we near the bank we encounter this random scally who attempts to steal our doubloons and groats. 'Begone with you turgid scally' I cry, 'lest i show you the business end of my blunderbuss!

Access all Areas

More free hat antics. I know its cruel to bedeck a freshly shorn sheep in various items of Corona garb. I can assure everyone though that the sheep was returned safely to her paddock at the end of the night.

The bell strikes corona

What a nick, clutching my corona goods tightly, wandering through the night. Is this what i have been reduced to? Still at least I am safe from the blackguards and vagabonds dressed in such garb. They will welcome me as one of their own.

The signs are dark

Its the ICT social commitee dinner/drinks thing tonight. Didnt realise it was in gotham city?