Friday, July 13, 2007

Horror Stricken Hell Bus

There I was sitting on the bus. Unwittingly aware of just how petrifyingthe journey was about to become. I noticed the girl in front of me flinch then lean heavily to the side away from the window. Whats this thought I, what could have repelled her so much, could she have caught a glimpse of my reflection in the window? Nay, nay and thrice nay! It was a tropical beast, marching along the pane. Its destination, one only, me. I sat transfixed with terror as it tootled up to my very sleeve then turned its gimlet eyes upon me. How long I sat transfixed by its stark gaze I will never know. My bowels had turned to water but I was frozen in place. Aghast at this monsters cruel visage. Then it turned and walked on. It had judged and found me wanting. Perhaps another day this fiends path and mine might cross. For now though, I am safe.

1 comment:

Gledwood said...

Monster? You wanna try living with the cockroaches in my house, mate! Then you'll know the true definition of little "Monster" !!
You came up as Next Blog after me, so congratulations!!
I'm at
do feel free to drop by sometime and say hi!
All the best 2u
"vol 2" ...